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Short-term Loans

Short term loans may be used to finance various requirements throughout the production or trade cycle, or until goods delivery or payment receipt in a commercial transaction, as well as for other short term needs or to cover short term discrepancies between funds inflow and outflow. Short term loans are approved for maximum 12-month maturity.

Working Capital Loan

UniCredit Bank offers this type of loan as a solution for occasional and temporary obstacles in successful business doing. This type of loan may be used to finance working capital required for a single transaction or due to lack of working capital due to increased production/trade volumes, extending longer payment terms to customers, seasonal increase of inventories, and gaps between inflows and outflows. Depending on client requirements and specific features of the transaction to be financed, we offer loans in a variety of amounts, maturities and repayment methods.


Overdraft is used for the purpose of current liquidity - to cover short term maturity mismatch between inflows and outflows in the company's transactional account (e.g. occasional time mismatching of accounts payable and receivable, taxes, payroll, etc.), as well as to finance other working capital requirements. This product is created for corporate clients who doesn’t have permanent lack of working capital, but during business activities due to various reasons, , they confront, on a case by case basis, maturity mismatching of trade payables and receivables (suppliers, taxes, payroll, etc.). Approved funds are available at any time when required by the client, while the loan is repaid and closed automatically with any inflow to the company's transactional account. The loan amount is defined based on average turnover of the transactional account, and it is approved for 12-month period.

Loans to Finance Receivables in the Country from First-class Customers

UniCredit Bank Product Catalogue contains a loan to finance local receivables from first-class customers, which provides you with an option of accelerating the company's cash flow, i.e. to turn receivables from customers into cash. The prerequisite for this type of loan is a documented proof of such client's receivables from first-class customers with a pre-defined maturity, while the loan amount represents a percentage of a single invoice (up to 80%). Repayment of loan is either bullet or revolving principle - depending on specific features of the transaction to be financed, while maturity varies from 45 days up to maximum of 12 months.

Our products for Financial Institutions are available to insurance and leasing companies, as well as microcredit organisations, but not to banks.

If you are a banking institution, please send your inquiry to our Correspondent Banking contact address:

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