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Capital Market

Give your trust to the bank which is a pioneer in the local Capital market.

IPO – Initial Public Offering

Advising for holders and issuers of securities, entering the market for the first time, when selling at international and/or local public offerings.

SPO – Secondary Public Offering

Advising for holders and issuers of securities, being already active in the market, when selling at international and/or local public offerings.

UniCredit Bank d.d. is the first bank in B&H licensed to act as an Agent and/or Underwriter in issuing securities.

The role of a Securities Issue Agent is to prepare and implement the issue process for a client, whereas the Agent is not required to buy any part of the securities in order for the issue to succeed.

Contrary to the Agent, the role of a Securities Issue Underwriter implies buying of a part of securities in order for the issue to be successful.

For further details, please contact

Equity Increase

Selling of new shares in the market in order to increase company's equity.

Additional investment into a company's equity, which is usually made in order to increase or improve fixed assets quality, including buildings and equipment (machinery), but also to acquire licences and patents.

For further details, please contact

Rights Issue

A rights issue for the existing or new shareholders.

If a company decides to increase its equity, it may be done through an issue of new shares. New shares may be offered to either the existing or potential shareholders. If a company expects that all new shares may be sold to the existing shareholders, a rights issue is made offering the existing shareholders to buy new shares proportionally to their previous contribution, usually at a more favourable price than it would be for new shareholders. If no existing shareholders are interested to buy, such rights are assignable.

Like for IPO and SPO, UniCredit Bank d.d. prepares the overall issue process for its clients.

For further details, please contact

Block Trade

Selling a significantly large number of shares by security issuers and holders. Block transactions are large-scale trades and in Sarajevo Stock Exchange (SASE) in particular, these transactions exceed BAM 500,000.00.

Via block transactions, issuers and holders may, through direct negotiations with an already known buyer, agree on the trade details involving a large number of securities.

As all details of the trade are known in advance, they are merely reported to the Stock Exchange later on. Block transactions are not a result of combining supply and demand.

UniCredit Bank d.d. offers to its clients the complete preparation and implementation of block transactions.

For further details, please contact

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