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UniCredit Bank in cooperation with the European Investment Fund (EIF) provides the possibility of lending with the financial support of the European Commission within the project Horizon 2020-Financial Instruments, which is reflected in the risk coverage of the InnovFin guarantee. The InnovFin guarantee covers 50% of the amount of due principal and / or regular interest on the loan. It is intended for small and medium enterprises, which are registered and which operate on the territory of BiH and which are focused on research, development, digitization, innovation, and have the potential for innovation.

  • SMEs - micro, small and medium enterprises in accordance with the Recommendation of the European Commission 2003/361 / EC which employ less than 250 employees and have an annual turnover ≤ EUR 50 million or balance sheet with assets ≤ 43 million
  • MID CAPs - medium-sized enterprises with a maximum of 499 employees that are not companies from the previous point (Small Midcaps) and medium-sized  enterprises from 500 to 3000 employees (Large Midcaps) 

Funds can be used for activities of: financing of working capital, investment in fixed assets as well as with the purpose of business transfers.

Loan Amount

From 25.000,00 EUR up to max. 1.250.000,00 EUR

Loan Tenor
  • Short term loans up to 12 months
  • Long term loans up to 120 months including grace period of 12 months

For all other information, please contact our Relationship Managers in the nearest Business Center.


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