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I want a modern and independent business!

I want to access my accounts and manage my cash from any location

We offer you a solution

Make your business more simple and efficient with Internet Banking (e-ba Plus). It enables your efficient cash management through the Bank available 24/7.

Check here for more details and apply for Internet Banking.

I want to deposit my cash with no queuing

We offer you a solution

Our night and day deposit service is a self-service device, which is used for safe and simple depositing of cash in the local currency to your transactional account even after your branch's working hours.

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I want a limited access to my transactional account money

We offer you a solution

We recommend you a VISA Business Electron card because it offers a possibility of limited access to transactional accounts - it is recommended to businesses that have large amount of funds on their transactional account and want to limit their end users in operating the same.

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I want a simplified solution for servicing day-to-day and travel costs

We offer you a solution

We recommend you a Business MasterCard, a credit card with pay-later option, enabling business entities to allocate their approved spending limit to several end users according to business requirements. Business entities are enabled to distribute their approved spending limit to several employees and moreover there is a possibility to pay staff travel costs and any other operating costs at some later point.

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Would you like to organise several services into one package for a lower price?

We offer you a solution

We offer you account packages - JES! Business and JES! Business Plus - which contain a whole range of attractive banking and non-banking products and services, and which are customised according to your requirements.

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