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If you are financing the purchase of real estate with a Bank loan or if you own real estate that you want to protect, you can quickly and easily sign up for a one-year or multi-year real estate insurance policy at the Bank's branches in two packages:

Package 1

Fire and natural disasters – the basic risk package (fire, lightning strike, explosion – except nuclear explosion, storm, hail, aircraft crash, motor vehicle crash into an insured piece of real estate, manifestations and demonstrations).

Package 2

Insurance against the risk of fire, lightning strike, explosion, storm, hail, impact of a motor vehicle, crash of an aircraft, manifestations and demonstrations on the construction part of the building and on things in the building, as well as household things according to the Conditions for Household Insurance for the following risks: water spilling from installation pipes, floods, torrents and high water, burglary and robbery, broken glass, liability of the insured party as the owner or user of the apartment/house.

Why do I need Insurance?
How is payment made?
Do the insurance policy holder and the insured party have to be the same person?
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