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Super Štek -  Super Hero of Child Savings

Get to know your child with Super Štek - a loving hero with a cloak that takes care of your child’s savings.


Super Štek is a form of long-term savings deposit in BAM and EUR with a fixed interest rate, to provide future financial needs for children and young people: education, recreation, hobbies, travel and other needs.




Who can open the account?

You can open an account on behalf of a minor domestic resident (Account Holder) represented by a lawyer / guardian, to whom only Super Stakes savings funds are paid.


What you mean by 'children'?

Children are intended all Individuals up to fifteen years of age and can be dated to 36, 60 and 120 months.


What happen when my child comes of age?

The account is open until the Account Holder's fullness, after which the Account Holder can transfer the existing funds to another account in the Bank.

How do I manage the account?

You can enter your account wherever you are by using the e-ba and m-ba services.


How can I transfer money on Super Štek saving account?

Set the automatic transfer of a specific amount from your account to your child’s one.


What happen at the expiration of the deposit?


After the expiration of the deposit, it is possible to dispose of the funds on the savings account, increased by the accrued interest for the agreed term.


What are the benefits of Super Štek account?

We offer attractive interest rates and long-term savings in BAM and EUR with the possibility of multiple payments without limitation of the lowest payment


What if I decide to close the account early?

In case of early termination of the Contract Super Štek is recognized the interest rate applicable on the day of disbursement


Where can I apply for the Super Štek term deposit?

You can contract a Super Štek term deposit at any branch of the Bank



Visit us at one of our 77 branches all over the Country.



  • a copy of the permanent birth certificate of the juvenile person (must submit the original to the Branch Office)
  • a copy of the identity card of the legal representative / guardian and authorized person
  • a copy of the certificate of residence (not older than 90 days) of the legal representative / guardian and authorized person (for legal representatives / guardians and authorized persons who are resident) - need to submit the original for inspection to the Branch;
  • a copy of the passport certified by the competent authorities of the deputy / guardian and authorized person as well as a certified translation of the passport / passport in cases where it is not possible to establish with certainty the identity of the owner of the legal representatives / guardians and non-resident empowered persons.

Only for minors without parental care, who have guardians, it is necessary to enclose the decision of the Center for Social Work to prove the custodian status.

The savings program of UniCredit Bank provides an investment for the  child's future, whether for education, hobbies or travel.

Please find below the list of interest rates:


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